Adieu (pronounced ah dee yuh) translates to "God be with you" and is generally used when you know that you won't see the person in question for a long time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fat folk shalt not wear cute leggings? (2011 Week 31 Update)

Summary of Last week:

Lost 1.8 pounds
2,758 calories under budget
35% fat, 53% carb, 12% protein consumed

Water aerobics, walking and gardening were my forms of exercise, for a total of 4,222 estimated calories of effort.

My mom, who I am quite sure at this point got lap band surgery around new year's and has lied repeatedly to me about it (saying it was a hernia repair), has slimmed down considerably over the last couple of months. Or maybe I just didn't notice it as much before. Because recently she has begun wearing skin-tight leggings, every day. I'm not talking about under a skirt, or to the gym to work out (she doesn't do that), or anything like that. Just out and about in her daily activities. A 60+ year old woman who was probably 300 or more pounds at her largest and maybe 200 now, she's very lumpy and bumpy and jiggly. I would be embarrassed to walk around in such form-fitting reveal-it-all clothing in that body.

On the flip side, I, who am still tipping the scales around 345, was drawn to some fun patterned/colored leggings at Target today but was worried that they wouldn't fit me, to be worn under a skirt. Sigh.

I am writing this a few days late and haven't been doing a good job with food this week, I hope for my next weekly check in I don't have to report a gain.

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