Adieu (pronounced ah dee yuh) translates to "God be with you" and is generally used when you know that you won't see the person in question for a long time.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Up a little again...(2011 Week 34 Update)

Up 1.4 pounds last week. :-(
Under 498 calories
Only 1600 exercise (walking, cleaning)
12 % protein

I haven't been extremely focused on fitness and weight loss recently but I am still tracking everything, every day. Sometimes the numbers going up and down seem so arbitrary. And I know that if that's the case I need to find OTHER measurements or successes to focus on. And loseit is helping with that---hey, I met my calorie goal last week, that's good. But whine, whine I wish my numbers were getting smaller faster.

My new job has started to feel a lot more manageable, and my class this fall is going well. I really need to start working more gym and exercise time back into my schedule. I think I'll work on that tonight.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trying out a new mantra...

Somewhere I read the idea to ask myself:

"Is this what I want?" Is this *really* what I want?"

when I am about to have something unhealthy. I've been trying it out the last 2 days and although it's no fail safe, I think it may be helping a little bit.

It helps take me away form the immediate WANT SUGAR NOW and gets me to refocus on my goals and maybe have a glass of water or another healthier substitute instead, and hopefully slow down and acknowledge that I am feeling anxious or lonely, not really hungry.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Plodding along... (2011 Week 33 Update)

Here are my stats for last week:

Lost 4.9 pounds (most of the water weight I gained the previous week)
789 calories under budget
33% fat
55% carbs
12% protein
1,045 calories of exercise (walking and gardening)

I'm doing alright in my life generally right now but still having trouble with emotional eating and making a commitment to exercise. Things have been much busier than usual, but I'd still like to make time. Tomorrow I have the day off from work, and I have some errands I need to run, and study for a test that night, but I'm thinking I'll go to aqua aerobics at noon and get some exercise in. I haven't been in the pool in a while, and it sounds good.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Okay, false alarm...

It's only Wednesday and I'm already 3 pounds down again of the 5.5 I gained last week; I'm pretty sure it *was* just water fluctuation with monthly cycles. Whew.

That is all.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I really, really don't want to post this (2011 Week 32 Update)


3,595 calories under budget
1,385 calories of exercise
35% fat
52% carbs
13% protein
5.5 pounds gained. Ugh.

My menstrual cycle has been very irregular lately; I didn't have a period at all last month, and now I'm just starting one during the 2nd week of my birth control pill pack. I wonder if this has something to do with it. But I also need to up my exercise and keep focusing on diet.

That's all for now; it's late.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fat folk shalt not wear cute leggings? (2011 Week 31 Update)

Summary of Last week:

Lost 1.8 pounds
2,758 calories under budget
35% fat, 53% carb, 12% protein consumed

Water aerobics, walking and gardening were my forms of exercise, for a total of 4,222 estimated calories of effort.

My mom, who I am quite sure at this point got lap band surgery around new year's and has lied repeatedly to me about it (saying it was a hernia repair), has slimmed down considerably over the last couple of months. Or maybe I just didn't notice it as much before. Because recently she has begun wearing skin-tight leggings, every day. I'm not talking about under a skirt, or to the gym to work out (she doesn't do that), or anything like that. Just out and about in her daily activities. A 60+ year old woman who was probably 300 or more pounds at her largest and maybe 200 now, she's very lumpy and bumpy and jiggly. I would be embarrassed to walk around in such form-fitting reveal-it-all clothing in that body.

On the flip side, I, who am still tipping the scales around 345, was drawn to some fun patterned/colored leggings at Target today but was worried that they wouldn't fit me, to be worn under a skirt. Sigh.

I am writing this a few days late and haven't been doing a good job with food this week, I hope for my next weekly check in I don't have to report a gain.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My plantar fascia rears its ugly head again

This week is going great as far as weight loss. I'm sticking to my calorie budget, and getting lots of exercise. But my foot is not okay.

I admit I haven't been doing everything correctly. I do wear the orthotics all day long but I haven't been properly stretching and doing the strength training exercises I'm supposed to do. Not consistently anyway.

Ouch! It was maybe back to 80 percent of max pain experienced in that foot this morning. And that was stepping into an orthotic straight out of bed, like I'm supposed to.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Moving (slowly) in the right direction (2011 Week 30 Update)

Here are my stats for last week:

314 calories under budget for the week
Lost 0.8 pounds this week
Fat 38.1%
Carbohydrates 50.7%
Protein 11.3%

Exercise Summary
Gardening 30 Min
Yardwork 25 Min
Water Aerobics 45 Min
House Cleaning 30 Min
Walking 3 Hours 45 Min
Total 2064 calories

I feel like I have been doing pretty well. My diet was right where I wanted it to be, calorie-wise. I can still work on upping my protein intake (and lowering fat in exchange) but I feel like that is a pretty good accomplishment to come out so close to my calorie goal for the week. I should be doing more exercise for the sake of exercise. I only went to aqua aerobics once and didn't do any biking or anything. The walking I have listed there is from jetting around a hospital where I volunteer, and walking around the entire grounds at work as part of my job.

For the coming week, I've got 5 workout sessions on my calendar (if I make 4 of them, I'm going to give myself a metaphorical big gold star), plus whatever exercise I get at work or volunteering. And I need to fit in my physical therapy strength training too.

I decided to try one other new thing. I really, really love to get massages. I haven't had one in a few years, but I'd love to again. I don't feel like I'm in a place financially where I can shell out for that right now, but I made a deal with myself. For each day that I don't buy any food or drink that is prepared outside my house, I'm putting $3 in my massage fund. If I can get that number up to 50, I'm getting a massage. That should significantly lower my monthly food bill as well as improve my diet, and get me a special treat that I wouldn't have given myself otherwise. I should still come out ahead financially, because if I go out to lunch form work I'd spend at least 6 dollars.