Adieu (pronounced ah dee yuh) translates to "God be with you" and is generally used when you know that you won't see the person in question for a long time.

Monday, July 18, 2011

False alarm, I think... (2011 Week 28 Update)

Here are my stats for last week:

1251 calories under budget
down 0.6 pounds
2,234 calories of exercise logged.
13% protein consumed (50% carbs, 37% fat)

My back/hip area isn't hurting today. And my foot, though still tender, is still alright. I need to be more disciplined about doing my physical therapy exercises and stretches, and wearing my splint at night.

My new job has a fair amount of walking and stair climbing built in. And I *do* take the stairs, rather than the elevator, as most of the residents where I work really _need_ the elevator and it is a good reminder that I don't actually require it yet.

I am way behind on the whole year-long goal I had set out, but moving in the right direction. I can tell it may be a challenge to keep up a solid exercise routine now that I have two jobs, but I'm feeling determined.

Over and out.

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