Adieu (pronounced ah dee yuh) translates to "God be with you" and is generally used when you know that you won't see the person in question for a long time.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Keeping up on a Hike (2011 Week 4 Update)

My weight took an upswing at the beginning of last week, up to 341.2 again, but by the end of the week I am back down again and another pound lighter. That's not keeping up with my weekly goal but I am still ahead of my year goal by about 4 pounds, which is doing well for the end of January.

So I'm at 337.8 now. I'll update my loss graph below.

I did a hike on Friday with a group of people. I did pretty well keeping up with the crowd, but had some GI crampiness part way through that made it really uncomfortable. A couple of days ago I adjusted my daily calorie goal up to 2800, which is about what the fat2fit BMR calculator says I should be eating, and is on average about where I was eating during the week I lost over 5 pounds.

I've been having some issues with my mood in the last couple days taking a dip. I am hoping it's just a matter of my sleep schedule being off (I slept in until noon yesterday and today)..which could be either a cause or a symptom I guess. Last night I started feeling energetic again around 9:30 but was pretty low when I got up again today.

Today I bought a new workout dvd to try. It's the biggest loser one with Bob and Jillian. My walking buddy has been talking about doing the Wii fit version... and I have a wii but I think buying additional games for it is pretty expensive. Plus, thought I am getting closer, I'm still over the weight limit to use the balance board. So I just got the workout dvd version. I will probably give it a try tomorrow.

I still haven't been back to the gym. I keep putting it on my calendar. With my financial situation right now it might make better sense to just cancel the membership and try to do more at home or outside. I really haven't been using the gym enough to justify the monthly payment.

Next week my tutoring job starts back up again. I am going to try to use the breaks when students don't show up to either study and really get schoolwork done (rather than goofing online) or go for walks if it is nice out.

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