Adieu (pronounced ah dee yuh) translates to "God be with you" and is generally used when you know that you won't see the person in question for a long time.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Kind of an interesting trend...

Check out these two graphs from my loseit data. The first, below, shows my weight (much smoothed) over the last 6 months:
In case it's hard to see the actual numbers, about 6 months ago I was just under 360 lbs and presently my smoothed weight is showing at around 335.

Now look at this graph, for the same time period, but this time average calories consumed:
Again, in case the numbers are hard to see, I started around 1600 and ended up working my way up to 2750 over the last 6 months.

Add 1150 calories and lose 25 pounds. I like it. And you might be asking, well, did my exercise just increase to compensate (and then some) for all those extra calories? No:

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